Hey, so what is Xi Jinping’s plan for abolishing China’s bourgeoisie?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    63 years ago

    (I’m sorry that every time I comment on one of your posts, it’s either a small book’s worth of words, or comes across as a lil rude)

    Lately, the CCP has been accusing CEOs of private corporations of violating worker’s rights and hoarding wealth. I think they recently tried the CEO of Tencent in an anti-trust lawsuit. They tried some other billionaires on similar stuff too, but I’m not in a mood to look for links rn (comrades are more than welcome to pop some links in the replies to the legal cases)

    It isn’t “abolishment” yet, China still needs its leaches Bourgeois class if it wants to maintain an economy that can compete with American Capitalism. But I guess that just means we’ll have to wait and see how they’ll deal with the hyper-rich after the threat of American Capitalism is diminished, which might happen in our lifetime.