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a political compass with 100 cells of beliefs/descriptors , with 25 per quadrant

Authoritarian left :

Execute all capitalists; Stalin was right; North Korea is best Korea; National Bolshevik; Osama bin Laden was right; Jail all capitalists; Labor camps are justified; 1984 isn’t a warning, it’s a guide; Anti-privacy; “Z”; Eliminate private property; “Real communism has never been tried”; Card carrying member of a Communist party; Anti-democracy; Supports mandatory military service; Marx was right; Can recite the USSR anthem; Ban religion: Atheist; Supports mandatory community service; Hates rich people; Eurocommunist; Bernie Sanders fan; Che Guevara “fan” (owns something with Che Guevara on it); Supports universal health care

Libertarian left :

Hates white people; Supports universal basic income; Participated in BLM protests; Is a member of a labour union; Supports 2SLGBTQIA+; Anarcho communist; Eliminate money: Ban all non-renewable energy; Ban nuclear energy; Pro-choice; Decriminalize all crime; Ban GMOs; “Spiritual”; Vegan; Prostitution should be legal; Anarcho-Primitivist; Supports Greenpeace/eco-terrorism; Luddite Has participated in sex work before (including OnlyFans); Defund the police; Supports human extinction; Anarcho-nihilist; AI will lead to a dystopia; Has physically stolen something before; Supports open borders

Libertarian right :

Gamer; Corporations are people; Capitalism is the best system; Supports the gold standard; Hates Poor people; Supports consumerism; Has read Atlas Shrugged; Eliminate the income tax; Elon Musk fan; Jail all socialists; Owns crypto; Hate speech is free speech; Self-employed/Owns a business; Owns a gun; Is in the top 1%; Only uses open source-software; Anti-masker; Anti-Vaxxer; Has shot someone before; Slavery is justified; All drugs should be legal; ToT; AI will lead to a utopia; All taxation is theft; Unironic Ancap;

Authoritarian right :

Hitler was right; Holocaust never happened; Genocide is justified; Supports absolute monarchy; Supports absolute theocracy; Mussolini was right; Ban porn; Ban pre-marital sex; Ban all sex outside of procreation; Free helicopter rides; Ban all drugs (including alcohol); Andrew Tate fan; Ban Islam; Anti-feminist; Rape is justified; Blue Lives Matter; Pro-Life; MAGA; QAnon supported; Racism is justified; Opposes illegal immigration; Religious; Imperialism is justifief: Kanye West fan;Hates black people

I regret alt texting all of this

found here

  • Jefferu_Nintendomoto
    2 months ago

    No one who wants to boil political discourse down into a stupid BuzzFeed quiz and a meme chart is worth listening to.