I guess there’s no hiding it any more…


Hamas has taken over Oxfam.

  • Nocturne Dragonite
    10 hours ago

    Just wondering when anyone is going to do anything about Israel, if this were any other fucking country there would have been sanctions months ago.

    • multitotalOP
      9 hours ago

      Apparently we should also send ammo, artillery and missiles to Lebanon, too. EU should take in Lebanese refugees and give them all 6 year work permits, free travel and monthly allowance. After all, that is what real democracies do when other sovereign countries are invaded.

      But on a serious note. France has said back in June they’d support the Lebanese Army should they wish to move south to the border to stop the escalation. Then right before the incursion/invasion France told Israel not to do it or they will have to support the Lebanese Army militarily. I guess nobody takes France seriously since their “send 2000 troops to Ukraine!” debacle. Lebanese Army is “repositioning and regrouping forces” in the south. France is nowhere to be seen and all they have managed to do is move a warship closer to Lebanon (or something like that, can’t find a link) and proposed a joke of a truce where Hezbollah moves 10km away from the border.

      The “West” has lost its soft power on the world stage. Unlike the dominant Western narrative where Russia/Putin has created a dangerous and unsafe world where countries like China 👺 or Iran 👹 will start invading their neighbours, it is in fact Western-aligned Israel, the shining beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East with the most moral army in the world, that is genociding a people, killing hundreds of civilians in neighbouring countries, mistreating immigrants and generally being a violent apartheid state that isn’t afraid to murder their enemies and anyone around them no matter where they are in the world.

      • Nocturne Dragonite
        6 hours ago

        And in supposedly international organs like the UN are completely worthless aside from the same tired ass diplomatic statements and “urging” (god I fucking hate that word now). What consequences are Israel actually facing that will materially stop them from continuing their genocide?