Yesterday I accidentally wiped my Firefox profile. Upon creating a new one I was hit with the realisation of just how many shit defaults Firefox has. This made me consider using a fork which un-enshittifies Firefox.

There is only one that I know of, LibreWolf. Thankfully it seems actively maintained. So on Windows I have started using that for now. On Linux I still use Firefox because the enlightened repository maintainers don’t allow any Firefox/Chromium forks and I don’t wanna use Flatpak or pacakge it myself.

Are there any other forks worth considering?

  • Kovpak
    9 hours ago

    Currently using the “Zen Browser”, which is another Firefox fork. Uses BetterFox for its default settings, and has decent privacy features built in… At least compared to default Firefox.

    It has tabs in the sidebar instead of the top (vertical tabs?). At first I didn’t like it, but now I don’t think I could live without it :). Feels a lot less cluttered.