Now, I’m a democratic Marxist, meaning that I believe in a Marxist economy within a democratic political system. Now in all Tankie states, the elections are never unopposed. I think there should be a multi-party system using Single Transferable Vote to ensure that the people’s voice can be heard. Also, on AnComs: I have many AnCom-like views, but I believe that multi-party democratic socialist states are just as legitimate as collectives of anarchist communes.

(Hopefully I won’t get many downvotes from this)

  • The Free PenguinOP
    13 years ago

    I never said anything about BreadTube. Also, what’s wrong with DPEs? (Decebtralized Planned Economies)

    The people who steered me to the left are: Viki 1999 Thought Slime Spooky Scary Socialist

    I never said anything about BreadTube.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      73 years ago

      those people are breadtubers, you didn’t mention it directly but you did mention breadtubers.