Now, I’m a democratic Marxist, meaning that I believe in a Marxist economy within a democratic political system. Now in all Tankie states, the elections are never unopposed. I think there should be a multi-party system using Single Transferable Vote to ensure that the people’s voice can be heard. Also, on AnComs: I have many AnCom-like views, but I believe that multi-party democratic socialist states are just as legitimate as collectives of anarchist communes.

(Hopefully I won’t get many downvotes from this)

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    3 years ago

    Neither ideology you listed functionally exists.

    Marxism is inherently “democratic”, once you have a system that puts political power directly into the hands of proletarian masses at the local and communal levels, you eliminate the need for general elections and term limits. Simply put, once people have control over what happens in their communities, they no longer need local politicians to achieve goals for them. Various Socialist states have a plentitude of political parties, but as you’ll find if you should research them, the vast majority of them are Socialist parties that only really differ in interpretations of ‘what is to be done’ about the material conditions of the country in question. DPRK, for instance, has the Korean Worker’s Party - an ML-Juche party. Then you have the Social Democratic Party, which is still a far-left party that’s only different from WPK because it’s constructed of the nation’s merchants and business owners. Or, North Korea’s petty-bourgeois class.

    In fact, the idea that there’s an “authoritarian” and a “libertarian” or “democratic” divide in politics is an intellectual fallacy. All ideologies, no matter how hands-off they may seem, utilise authoritarian methods to ensure the success of their system. The Anarchists of Spain used the militias to force workers to join unions, and used prison labour to boost their production abilities. That’s pretty frickin’ authoritarian if you ask me.

    This brings us to Anarcho-Communism - an infantile ideology of anti-communist internet leftists. This is an ideology that’s only able to exist because westerners are simultaneously illiterate beyond belief on leftist politics, and propagandized to oblivion against Communism. This is an ideology for people who read The Communist Manifesto once, but still want to say things like “Stalin killed 245424642454246424542464245 and a half people!!”. I’ve covered this ideology in the past, and I will not conceal my absolute hatred of it. It’s a horseshit half-step that allows people to claim to be Marxists, while they shit all over Marxism.

    You’ve said in other places that you’ve been radicalized by breadtube. Honestly, and I say this as someone who used to be very similar, work on changing that asap. Breadtube is filled with liberals who’re only in it for the money, and who use leftist aesthetic purely to fish for views. The actually well educated leftist YouTubers, like Bayarea or Luna Oi, don’t get half the attention shitty neo-libs like Contrapoints or Vaush get. If you want an education on leftism that isn’t just a bunch of anti-communists bickering about shit they don’t understand, please find the time to read literature first hand, and find the time to discuss it with other principled leftists. /c/communism101 and the main /c/communism are great places to discuss the literature and ask valuable questions to improve your understanding. Also please understand that Marxists tend to seem bitter and resentful, especially towards people who’re less as far in their radicalization, and I just wanna make sure you’re aware that it’s because the “fake” left repeatedly steals our aesthetics and theory just to make a mockery of it, and the anti-communists will find literally any excuse to harass us. Many of the people who’ve commented on this post rashly are only reacting from years of people completely misunderstanding Marxism, then telling them that they don’t understand what Marx really meant.

    Also, a final note “tankie” is technically a slur. It’s not a terrible thing to say, but it’s used to smear Marxist-Leninists. And originates from anti-communists after they watched the NKVD put down an anti-communist counter-revolution in Hungary. The term directly implies that the user thinks the USSR shouldn’t have defended itself against people who wanted to introduce Western Liberalism to Hungary.

    • The Free PenguinOP
      13 years ago

      I never said anything about BreadTube. Also, what’s wrong with DPEs? (Decebtralized Planned Economies)

      The people who steered me to the left are: Viki 1999 Thought Slime Spooky Scary Socialist

      I never said anything about BreadTube.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        73 years ago

        those people are breadtubers, you didn’t mention it directly but you did mention breadtubers.