A closing rally of fiery and strategy-focused speeches took place in the tourist district at ‘Change the Name’ Hall. (It was named for Peter Faneuil, a colonial-era merchant enslaver, but there is an ongoing struggle to rename it for a historical leader chosen by Black, Indigenous and nationally oppressed communities.)

At the rally, ideas were shared on how to keep uniting movement forces and shut down the bloody weapons industry. Also, discussions took place on how to strengthen the global anti-apartheid struggle to Free Palestine from here — in the imperialist epicenter on stolen Indigenous land.

Lea, a PYM leader, affirmed this with the chant: “What do we want? Land back!” When do we want it? Now!” A youth activist from the Party for Socialism and Liberation urged the crowd to purchase tickets and “Get on the Bus to D.C.” for the July 24 demonstration that will surround the Capitol and demand: “Arrest Netanyahu!”