So where do I even start, try to take me seriously because IT IS extremely serious and just bear with me:

My f*cking annoying aunt randomly saw a meme on social media(I think it was Instagram) of Samuel L. motherfucker Jackson where he said that he watches anime(I find that fact hilarious tho), and there was also a mention in that post of how many famous people she likes(actors, singers etc) also watch anime but then, FCKING THEN, because she’s crazy went on to ramble how older and adult people who watch anime are insanely stupid, have nothing better to do and are bellow average intelligence because ‘‘anime is for kids’’(lol), WITH MY SISTER (WHO’S IN HER 20S AND WATCHES ANIME) RIGHT THERE IN THE SAME ROOM!

And then she went to ramble about how anime(when she says anime, it means ALL the anime with no exception) is stupid and shouldn’t be taken seriously or watched by anyone except kids even though she can understand cartoons like The Simpsons because it’s made for adults, but can’t anime. And also went to ramble about ironic memes from social media( like some BatmanArkham esque shit). And also, she’s a borderline anti-semite, rightfully criticizing Zionist entity, but frequently going out of her way to say anti-semitic shit like for example: once there was some random movie on TV with a scene with merchant from Middle Ages who had a lot of stuff to sell and gold, and she went away to ask: is he Jewish? Alluding to the opinion that all Jews are merchants/rich/and only care about money referring to some event she speaks about where Jewish merchants stopped praying and left to trade in street to make money. And claims that in all religions is written that Isn’t real will be destroyed(mixing a zionist entity with historical lands). She also had a habit of ranting about ‘‘MUH GAMES CAUSE VIOLENCEEEEE’’, ‘‘that horror movies turn people into serial killers’’, gets offended at smallest thing ‘‘alluding to satanism’’ and says that no religion should be offended like that(even if she isn’t extremely religious), that media should be extremely regulated(based around her opinions) and restricted depending on age and citing the fact that she wasn’t allowed to watch ANY MOVIES when she was a kid and watched only cartoons until she was 14. She calls herself a socialist btw…

I’m so fucking tired of her(you can only imagine my sis who always argued with her) and would never want to have any conversation if she wasn’t family, y’all can’t understand it no matter how I try to explain it, she is such a frustrating person to be around and you would never want to meet her or someone like her in your life: she can’t take a joke, something completely ironic, the fact that people can be different sexual orientation and LGBT(she’s BARELY tolerating certain orientations) and wear certain clothes, that kids can have their opinions, gets offended extremely easily on smallest things, gets offended on facts, as soon as some scientific fact appears her first natural reaction is to deny it or question it, absolutely explodes at mention that cats exterminated dozens of species, reads stuff about contradictions of historical events or people, starts conspiracy on lamest stuff and events and more.

Like she is so fragile to be offended at a simple ironic joke and then ramble about it the next 30 minutes, something is generally, unironically, terribly wrong with her and I can’t deny that I’m worried because she’s family, whatever happened to her is uncertain considering that it’s getting a lot worse last years.

Also, one of the big reasons as to why I adore to shitpost here so much is because it genuinely helps me get distracted and forget about types of people and that stuff I have to encounter almost daily. There are more people similar to her here(not to that extreme extent, but holding some of her opinions uniroincally) and they are more frequent than you can imagine.

I just can’t, only time I’m happy at this point is when I have time to spend alone with my siblings when we don’t have anything to do and are all home, or if not, when I’m alone and doing stuff I like. It’s terrible now, and we’re in village currently because the feast day will be in less then a week which means you guessed it, terrible family gatherings and I’m literally going to have a Nacho moment in these situations because of how frustrating it is to endure it.

Thanks if anyone’s reading and listening this stuff, it means a lot.

  • Kirbywithwhip1987OP
    2 months ago

    And Bendy since I had someone point out at ‘‘SATANISM!!’’ when he saw it on the shelf.