Forensically offers online all the necessary tools to analyze and discover photos that were retouched or falsified.

    3 years ago

    As a SysAdmin student I must tell that most apps for the same use share features sometimes because are considered part of the “basic set” which every app of that kind must include.

    An example are most Archivers. Most of which are frontends for the real implementations of every format or algorithm in most cases.

    However, there are cases like OpenVAS which was a fork of the FLOSS version of Nessus before this last closed the app.

    • @Zerush@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      I know, include Photoshop include functions which was developed from the creator of GIMP. (resampling), today include online editors, like Lunapic include this (Remove and inpaint). Whenever is possible I use OpenSource apps, but in first line I’m interested in the Privacy Policy and TOS of a soft (I think I am between the few which read this) and for this I know that not all OpenSource is sinonym of privacy, also proprietary soft can have better condicions, f.Exmpl. this one is faultless (Freeware-proprietary SaaS) Highly recommended online tools, by the way (Html5)