Context: No. It’s actually not someone saying the n-word, it’s just a bait-and-switch video that plays audio from an old sprite commercial.


  • ᜐ᜔ᜉᜍ᜔ᜆᜈ᜔ ᜇ᜔ᜌᜓ︀-193OP
    4 months ago

    Yeah. There’s a reason why n word jokes are RARELY funny, most of them are just “oh look I said n[REDACTED]a”, like ok what else is in the punchline, is there a different message it was supposed to send? By even thinking of making an n word joke you are basically playing Russian roulette on Halo 2 LASO difficulty because not only do you have to balance the edginess with whatever message you are actually trying to say but also do so in a way that doesn’t make you appear bigoted.

    That one meme with Peter having a racist meltdown over getting killed is funny, one reason being it shows just how soft and egotistically fragile people in general are these days, especially chuds. If I tell someone “hey this product is bullshit” they go “YoU’Re A hAtEr1!1!1!” If I say “Hey cracker this isn’t funny, it’s assfuckingly racist”, they go nuts and pull the “it’s a just a joke my n[REDACTED]a” like wow helping a supposed comedian improve is somehow snowflake behavior? That’s some weapons grade projection on their end! If I say “hey, minorities breathing isn’t a problem” whenever us gamers talk about whether or not a game will be garbage, fedjacketing galore like how am I a shill for pointing out something blatantly obvious? A shill is someone who hypes a game blindly (looking at you, game “journalists”) despite its massive flaws like haven’t we learned from Cyberpunk 2077 and Halo 4-Infinite where shills didn’t get enough pushback because of reactionaries poisoning the well? And you have the balls to cry why x game hasn’t been delayed?

    Massive rant aside the TL;DR is that most of the edgelord material you see online is “all edge, no substance”.