Thanks admins, for keeping the most deranged anticommunists and others out of here, it’s made being here an awesome experience <3

  • QueerCommie
    1 year ago

    This guy is a nightmare. If I were to say some things I’d say, if markets are so great and the state is so bad then why is Lybia not paradise right now? It’s got a fail state with no power and the market is so “free” that there’s an open air slave trade. If profits are a measure of how good an institution is for society then why aren’t libraries highly profitable? (Then, of course these types probably don’t even believe in libraries). If supply and demand is so great then what should the price be when there is equal supply and demand? You can measure quality of life, it can be shown through literacy, poverty, longevity, and other statistics, all of which are far better. If increasing internet access is good, who cares if the effort could have been used on something slightly better? I could go on but I won’t. Understand the desire to have the last word, but it’s not worth your time. Just say “you’re too dogmatic to consider anything I’ve written because you are trapped in a fantasyland divorced from reality. Thus, I will cease to discuss with you, as you are not worth the energy.” They’ll either cope with a couple more comments saying “what!? Debate me!” Or they’ll assume they won, and either way it should not matter to you.