Basically K&G is a milhis channel that teaches military history from the eyes of people who fought in x conflict. But when you look at their coverage modern wars, it’s basically in a pro-west borderline propagandistic way.

  • cfgaussian
    5 months ago

    Much of what these channels do is regurgitate what they read on Wikipedia, which is notorious for being full of cold war propaganda bullshit and many of its editors being either on the payroll of the CIA or Mossad. The rest they take from a highly selective literature research which overwhelmingly preferences western (and specifically English language) sources. If nothing else then just because of the language barrier they are not going to bother to read, say, Russian or Chinese academic literature. And due to their inherent liberal, western chauvinist bias they will tend to disregard other viewpoints as propaganda anyway. The default assumption is that only western or western approved sources are serious and academic. As usual when we strip away all the layers what we are left with is simple racism at the core of the western liberal world view.

    • cfgaussian
      5 months ago

      I’ve seen this phenomenon in my own country of birth where much of the academic community has internalized an inferiority complex and won’t even consider historical sources unless they are validated by western academics first. Any of our own historians who contradict western narratives are dismissed either as unserious, as biased, or as coming from an antiquated, inferior (because socialist) educational system that is assumed to have been lying about the country’s history.