Yoga gets dunked on a lot. Even more when you are a guy doing yoga. It is seen as a feminine and hippie kind of thing.

But that’s a dumb way of thinking, of course.

Yoga is good for flexibility, training your balance, focussing on your breath and staying calm and it even trains strength. A daily yoga session of ten minutes can keep you stretched, flexible, and calm.

As I said, yoga for women is already pretty popular. I know multiple women who do yoga on a regular basis. Men, not so much. But I want to change that, and inspire men to step out of their comfort zone, break the patriarchic view of yoga and keep them fitter.

Who in here has experience with yoga already? Please share your tips and visions!

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    91 year ago

    I like “Yoga with Adrienne”. She makes 30 day series and they get increasingly difficult with each day.

    Ive yet to complete one through, but the furthest I’ve gotten is like day 22 I wanna say. Yoga’s great tbh and I should do more of it. For me, it helps provide awareness of my physical state which makes assessing my mental state a lot easier. An ex of mine had told me they did some pose before and it caused her to see colors somehow…weird, I’ve never had that happen.

    Sounds a bit woosah to me, but even just the physical effects of yoga alone are amazing.