Read the comments in the chains that are beneath it.

My participation will be low here for the time being, but this is something that affects all. Brace yourselves.

Additional information that borderline fascistic instances like already exist (Finland NATO supporter), and (PrivacyGuides admin) is run by a US/Canada nationalist that defederated Lemmygrad day 1 and calls people here liberals.

  • Chay
    2211 months ago

    Yeah I checked and there are already threads where they trash on “tankies” and that the US security state cannot get into iPhones, sure.

    • comfy
      1411 months ago

      I suspect we must have had an influx from /r/privacy, who aren’t particularly known for their privacy skills. It’s like the broscience in physical fitness forums, amateurs teaching amateurs harmful habits with a mix of paranoia and corporate promotion in the mix.

      • Chay
        511 months ago

        Imo that sub was better a few years ago, now it just feels like it’s full of Apple fanboys, and so on.