I’ve dabbled with Linux over the years, first with Ubuntu in the early 2010s, then Elementary OS when that dropped, and a few years ago I really enjoyed how customizable the gui was with Xubuntu. I was able to make it look just like WIndows 2000 which was really cool.

Which current distro has the best GUI, in your opinion? I find modern Ubuntu to feel a little basic and cheap. I guess I don’t really like modern Gnome. I’m currently using Windows 10 LTSC which is probably the best possible version of Windows, but I’d jump to linux if I could find a distro with a gui that feels at least as polished and feature rich as Windows 10 LTSC.

  • @lysozyme@lemmy.ml
    201 year ago

    Linux Mint Cinnamon. Stable, yet tons of customizations possible and makes the jump from Windows a whole lot easier (I jumped 1.5 years ago and will never look back).

    • @sudojonz
      81 year ago

      +1 for Linux Mint Cinnamon. It just works

      • EnglishMobster
        11 year ago

        I dislike Cinnamon because it doesn’t “just work” if you have multiple monitors like I do.

        Apps don’t sync properly on the taskbar across both of them. The only way to get them to sync properly is to disable the grouped taskbar. People have mentioned this to the Cinnamon devs for years now, and they don’t appear to use multiple monitors so they don’t care.

        KDE Plasma works great with multiple monitors and has been 100% an upgrade over Cinnamon. Plus there’s more third-party support for Plasma than there is Cinnamon.

        • @sudojonz
          111 months ago

          I also use multiple moniters with LM Cinnamon and they work just fine, but I am sorry to hear it doesn’t work on your machine! KDE doesn’t do it for me aesthetically nor resource-wise, especially on low/mid power laptops while Cinnamon does (although normally I would go for XFCE on low spec hardware). Thankfully we both have the option to choose :)

    • @neytjs@lemmy.ml
      11 year ago

      Agreed. Linux Mint Cinnamon is also my favorite. I’ve been using it ever since I stopped using Windows and switched to Linux from Windows XP.