I am working on a rewrite of the Star Wars sequels to address many shortcomings, missteps, and missed opportunities that I saw in those films. My critiques are not those of a certain subset of SW fans who believe the films were too “woke”. In fact, the things I have planned for my rewrite would probably give those guys a heart attack.

I understand that I will never be able to monetize this, otherwise the big Mouse will drop a Death Star on my head.

My intent is to start with completing a written treatment of my vision of Episode 7 and then produce that in video format using my own art assets and non-copyright music that sounds John Williams-esque. Once I get some response to that, I think then I would like to flesh out the ideas I have for Episodes 8 and 9.

I’m happy to share concepts and bounce ideas if interested! One of the main througlines of this trilogy is an armed Droid Revolution.

  • relay
    1 年前

    Here is an idea that might derail everything, but I’d like this to be considered. The force can be coded to represent idealism. Idealism can work by ignoring natural processes as the force defies natural processes. Not everyone can use the force, but everyone can use scientific tools. The Jedi are liberals that think that they can wield the same unnatural power over non force users, just like the fascist Sith. The Sith always recruit from the Jedi because the Jedi already scrounge the galaxy for those special enough to wield the force and train them on how to use the force to some degree (less work for the Sith to do). The Sith understand the nature of the force and how it allows the strong to oppress the weak without any of the processes of nature. They deny the material similarities and symbiotic relationship with the world around them and become one with the force itself. The force is a malignant force of nature in the universe that disconnects sentient beings from the world that created them. I’d like to rewrite the Jedi and Sith to cling to demonstrably false conclusions frequently in manners that get people killed very frequently. The will of the force fights against class consciousness by exalting some people excempt from the rules. It would be interesting to have the will of the force be a slowly revealed antagonist of the liberation of droids and other sentient beings.

    You can make it so that the computation modules for droid brains can’t be hacked by most force users, so they can’t actually psychologically manipulate them. Which makes them more likely to develop class consciousness. The droids are subjected to memory wipes to prevent them from realizing the contradictions of the system they live in. It would be interesting to have Jedi have an “aura of peace” that they can project via meditation every day wherever they are to psychologically reinforce the idea in everyone’s minds for some radius that it is good to have people around that can defy these natural processes because of how special they are and by extension accept capitalism. The Sith also do the same thing with an “aura of domination”. The droids not subject to this bullshit can more easily become radicalized.

    I think it would also be interesting if the droid liberation army promoted harmony with nature. Sentient living beings in the droid liberation army that are force sensitive would be encouraged to not pursue increasing their effectiveness with it because it leads them away from the harmony with nature. Jedi and Sith might defect to the droid liberation army and practice a meditation that projects a meme to counter the Jedi and Sith brainwashing. This can allow other class conscious sentient living beings to join in the class struggle.

    It would be interesting if the superstructure during the clone wars made people more hostile towards robots in such a manner that the sentient droids became class conscious before their memory wipes could stop them.

    • Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️OP
      1 年前

      I’ve got some pretty big twists planned when it comes to the whole Jedi-Sith thing which I don’t want to spoil just yet. I appreciate the input though. A lot to chew on. 😉