Comrades, I just got an old 80s theory book from an older comrade as a gift and you’re lucky to even find a used print-version anywhere, let alone a pdf version. Even the title of the book itself yields a handful of results at most. So I thought: This shit needs to be digitized.

Thing is, I don’t have it in me to pull this thing apart just to scan it. Scanning via phone is suboptimal in my experience and doesn’t yield the best results to read on a kindle/pdf-reader. I’d be willing to just retype the thing, but at 300 pages that’s quite the workload too.

Is there a good way to do this that’s not super out there, expensive or time consuming?

  • 小莱卡
    21 year ago

    There must be software that converts images into text, that way you could scan the whole book and let the software convert it into text and then you could make it an epub/pdf whatever for ease of read on a e-reader.

    • @KommandoGZDOP
      21 year ago

      That’s a good tip. Even google lens and afaik the default Apple galery app can convert images to text. Just a bit tedious doing all copy/pasting on a smartphone, but that could be the easiest way. Just taking a picture of every page, converting it to text and then formating it as pdf. Should be easy on the book itself too.