I want to help however I can, and I guess the best way to do do that is to join a party, but since I’m a closet commie and I depend heavily on my family (conservatives) I don’t even know if there is anything I could really do to help.

I’m autistic and ADHD, even taking a bus makes me a little anxious, so I don’t know if I could go to protests or give out pamphlets, or anything public oriented for that matter.

However I thought that maybe I should still give it a go, maybe send them an email explaining my situation and hope for the best.

What are your thoughts? (And if I contact them, is it fine if I use the “Al-Andalusian” nickname or should I use my real name?)

Edit: I filled the form on their website wish me luck 🙏

  • cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    If it is possible and reasonably safe you should definitely try to join. Of course explain your situation to them, it’s best to be open from the start about these things. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. At least you will know you tried.