“No Baldur’s Gate 4”



  • taiphlosion
    6 months ago

    The combat is really dragged down by DnD rules, they just don’t work for a modern videogame. What use is a healer or spellcaster if they have a limited amount of uses and a ridiculously high miss rate that bogs down fights. Couple that with constantly needing to roll for checks that you basically could just reload instead of failing, every encounter taking 2/3 of your HP and constantly needing to long rest and it quickly becomes really annoying.

    I do love the RPG aspect of the game though, the storytelling is great and the world is so interesting, all things that honestly make the more annoying parts of the game more bearable.

    I also do wish they gave us a mount or sprint or something, getting around wasn’t too bad cause of the fast travel but only ever being allowed to walk or jog doesn’t feel good with a big ass map.

    Honestly I could talk about this all day lmao it’s the tism.