I recently stopped watching porn after doing some reading on proletarian/marxist feminism. This article in particular was really good imo: https://proletarianfeminist.medium.com/a-socialist-feminist-and-transgender-analysis-of-sex-work-b08aaf1ee4ab

I was wondering if anyone else is in a similar boat? Porn is a powerful drug and it can be really difficult to give it up if you’re addicted (which I am unfortunately). Is anyone willing to share their porn-free journey and give some advice and tips?

  • Life2Space
    81 year ago

    Copy-paste of my comment posted in the r/GenZedong thread:

    I quit consuming porn once I realized that I was doing it as a form of escapism. I really do not recommend ever consuming it as it produces a crooked conception of women, making you see them as mere objects of gratification instead of actual human beings. If you really need to masturbate, perhaps resorting to your imagination will do the trick; or, you could just resist the urge.

    • @Navaryn
      61 year ago

      masturbation is healthy and natural (unless excessive). Getting rid of porn is absolutely a good thing, but the whole “nofap” thing is just manosphere bs