We have 2 new bot comrades on Lemmygrad.
The first is @TranslatorBot@lemmygrad.ml. This bot will translate the content of posts and comments. To use it, mention the bot followed by the language you’d like to translate into.
For example, to translate a post or comment into English, reply with a comment that says “@TranslatorBot@lemmygrad.ml English”. To translate into Dutch, reply “@TranslatorBot@lemmygrad.ml Nederlands”. I encourage people to play with it. The free DeepL account I’m using let’s me translate up to 500,000 characters a month.
The second bot is @OCRBot@lemmygrad.ml. This bot will scan images that have text in them and reply to you with the text. To use it, just mention it.
Edit: If any of the admins or community moderators want to make any automod bots for repetitive tasks, hit me up. I made a library recently that makes it pretty easy to make bots.