Did one workout at the gym this week, but I made it a full body workout. Did two different exercises for each muscle group.

The rest of the week has been a holiday for me where I went back to my home country The Netherlands. I did some hiking in the hills (yes, the country isn’t totally flat) so I guess that counts as a workout as well. For the rest I have been enjoying time with family during my tour of the country. I’ve also been busy with planning an upcoming tour throughout Belgium where I will be supported by one of our members of Parliament. During the tour we will be shining light on the energy crisis in the country, and what help and ideas we offer to support the working class people. Looking forward to it.

How was your week?

  • @Giyuu
    11 year ago

    Workouts went well. First week on the new weighted pull up routine for strength. The main lift being 4x5 weighted pull ups on Tuesday. The second day on Friday I added 5 lbs and did just 2x5 before climbing. Next week Tuesday I will do the full 4x5 with the +5 I did Friday.

    I believe I can add 5 lbs per week until I hit my original pre injury numbers in about 2 months, maybe less. This should be possible because returning from injury you gain muscle and weight much faster.

    Today is an optional chest day so I think I might go eat some burritos and elect to do it.

    • DankZedong OPMA
      11 year ago

      How often do you climb? I have some friends who are into bouldering and they are getting good results, but unfortunately there is no good bouldering place nearby here.

      • @Giyuu
        11 year ago

        I climb fairly casually, usually once or twice per week. My main interest is obstacle courses. But I also work out at the climbing gym because they’ve got what I need. Bouldering is such a great way to spend time physically and talk to others, as I work from home.

        If youd like to check out climbing adjacent exercises, lifts and stuff, there’s plenty of youtube content out there that you can find demonstrating how to do them.

        And if you’d like to develop that specific finger strength but cannot climb, there are hang boards that you can buy and use in your own home.