So not only did the train derail and spill toxic chemicals everywhere, the truck carrying the spilled toxic chemicals overturned and spilled them again. Amazing. You can’t make this stuff up 🤦‍♀️

  • @sinovictorchan
    1 year ago

    Environmental racism had existed for at least a century despite the mass denial in the media. Even before the Western European diaspora had admitted to the destructive effect of pollution and before they misappropriate early environmentalism for their neo-pagan cults and hobo culture, the European immigrants had been placing factories in African American communities and near the Federal Reserves where they imprisoned Indigenous First Nation people as a planned genocide through toxic gas, poisoning of drinking water, and poisoning of food source. It is interesting to note that the national parks in Canada and the USA were formerly Indigenous territories where the European immigrants dumpt their hazardous waste before the European evict the Indigenous people out of their own land for eco-tourism that leeaches off the highly successful environmental conservations of Native Americans. The Kurds in Turkey also suffer from the same planned environmental destruction and pollution by the Turkish nationalists.