(Alternative link. Alternative link.)

Even though all the aforesaid atrocities are horrific, the mustard gas massacre in Ametsegna Washa also called the cave of Zeret was shockingly cruel and inhumane. […] This massacre was the undocumented and forgotten massacre. Sadly, the cave is not conserved well. This study, therefore, attempted to open a new avenue of discussion by revealing the mustard gas massacre of the inhabitatnt of Menz, Jamma, Merhabete, and Jiru in Ametsegna Washa in 1939 and thereby call for […] Italy and [the] Vatican [to] apolog[ize] and [offer] adequate reparation.

(Unfortunately, the author’s grasp of English grammar is poor, but presently this is the best research that we have on this important topic. If anybody requests it I can rewrite this article for legibility.)


During the night the [Fascists] thr[e]w 12 barrel[s] filled with mustard gas into the mouth of the cave from the second cliff called Gedam. On the morning of that day, Easter day, the [Fascist] soldiers attacked [with] the 12 barrel[s] from the right side of the first cliff, Kelawuha around Dimdm Washa. They also continuously attacked the mouth of the cave with artillery and machine‐gun fire.

Initially, there were no symptoms and difficulties associated the mustard gas. After nine hours, the gas became active and affected all peoples inside the cave. The number of affected peoples increased at 12 hours. It affected their eyes, skin, and respiratory system.

Children, women, [and] elders were entered into the next part of the cave to g[e]t protection but never survived. According to Bishawu Tesema, survivor of the massacre, at 12 hours even the patriotic fighters became unconscious, mad, and insan[e]. This was a very difficult condition for those who resisted the gas through the use of onion[s] and their urine. It was difficult to control them even [when] they t[ook] guns to kill those who [we]re in the cave.

On the night of that day, Grazmach (later dejazmach Teshome Shenkut) decided to leave the cave. He gathered those resistance fighters who resisted the gas and escaped at night using several tactics. Along with Grazmach Shenku, Demeke Chufa (his home is kelawuha 3 km from the cave), Zemelak Wube (from Zeret), Welde‐Tsadik Dosegna were the survivor[s]. Fesese Tesema and Bishawu Tesema […] also survived but left […] with […] blindness.

After some days of the massacre, [the Fascists] entered the cave and murdered inhumanely those [who] survived but in between life and death. According to the survivor, the total number of 5,500 lost their life due to the [massacre] committed by Italy. But there [are] different data with regard to this number. The Memory written by Dejazmach Teshome Shenkut estimates [it] to be more than 3,000 thousand[.]


Still today there are human body r[em]nants, clothes made up of cotton, cereal basket[s] and gun[s]. The archaeological remains revealed that women had been playing a crucial rôle in the war. As shown in the entrance part of the cave, there were tools and equipment used for food and beverage preparation.

This shows that the task given to women is similar [to that in] normal condition[s]. There are also individuals who mandated to defend the cave. They will defend the cave from the left and right side of the cave. One of the cave defender was Bash Gelamt who was killed by [Fascists].

(Emphasis added.)