Hi comrades,

We’ve received some reports recently and so I’m making this announcement.

In our rules, Lemmygrad does not lean one way or the other towards religion. This means that in effect, we accept all communists no matter their religion or lack thereof.

However, this doesn’t mean we allow feuds or unprincipled criticism. This seems to come especially from our atheist comrades, who sometimes (from what has made its way to us) see it fit to remind religious comrades that religion shouldn’t exist.

While we appreciate that the criticism is about religion and not the particular beliefs of some comrades, this kind of discourse does not have its place on Lemmygrad as we effectively don’t lean one way or another and expect users to lean that way too.

edit: as such, this reminder also applies to religious comrades.

We’re very hands off with moderation and we’d like it to remain that way in a community as tight-knit as ours.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t criticize religion or atheism, as long as it comes in good faith and is done from a Marxist basis.

This principle also applies to other contentious topics that are prone to debate on our platform.

  • @sinovictorchan
    11 year ago

    I can be understanding on the stance of atheists since due to the corruption of Christianity and the ability of the fake Christians to exploit the ambiguity of the Biblical text to create misinterpretation for their own gain. The sacred text of other religions also seem to have ambiguity and apparent self-contradictions which allow corruption of religion or conflict over interpretation, but the interpretation problem could be resolved by finding the correct context of the text for correct interpretation. For example, the Western Europeans and Western European emigrants misinterpret, or even falsified, the Biblical texts to subordinate Yehwah to the sinful earthly desires of parasitic Caucassians and to dictate the judgement of people according to their appearance and the color of their skin. Luckily, Yehwah is selling the countries of Western Europeans and Western European diaspora to the Liberals and other religious groups just like how Yehwah hand the Jews over to the enemies of the Jews for the treason of the Jews. I would be worry about atheism and other religions taking followers from Christianity, but I know that they are taking away fake Christians and the real Christians in Western European diaspora had never decrease in number all this time.

    • @linkhidalgogato
      91 year ago

      reactionary Christians are not any more fake than any other type (if there are other types) sure the bible says “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” but it also says “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man she must be quiet.” there is nothing ambiguous about either, support for both side can be found in this text because it is massive and was written by a lot of people. i think it is extremely disingenuous for you to try to paint this non existent picture of real vs fake Christians. you could say there are bad and good people who happen to Christian but you certainly cant just write off this inherent problems and narratives which support oppression that exist in Christianity as if they didn’t because they are there in the same book you use to support your views.