
VOC’s newest trustee said this in a June 2020 interview with a podcast hosted by a managing partner of IronGate Capital Advisors. At the time, McCoy speculated that “some very nationalist crazy lab people in China” leaked COVID-19 “accidentally on purpose,” in other words, they “let it get out, and then it was covered up, and then they saw, well, it’s pretty bad, but let’s make the best of this crisis…” He claimed that Chinatowns are 5th columns for the Communist Party of China, and that as many as 100 million people died in the Cultural Revolution. As for the Belt and Road Initiative, “I call it the one belt around your neck and the one road to perdition initiative for the countries that are foolish enough to participate in it.”


Simon Molina Herrera, an enthusiastic Ron DeSantis supporter born and raised in Venezuela, joined the VOC as a Government Relations Intern in January. Since then, he has denounced Barnes and Nobles because it “promotes Communist terrorism.” During the 2021-22 school year, Herrera served as the campus coordinator for Turning Point USA at the University of Maryland. In that capacity he worked with Young Americans for Freedom, PragerU, and the Heritage Foundation, which is probably how got linked with VOC.

Last week, “Victims of Communism” announced that it hired Karina Lipsman as its new Associate Director of Communications. VOC is excited about her “14-year background in the defense and intelligence industry.” For the most part Lipsman was a senior strategist at Northrop Grumman, one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the world.

Last year, after a failed congressional bid, Lipsman became a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), an anti-trans, anti-feminist organization that originated in “Women for Judge [Clarence] Thomas” in 1991. According to The Intercept, more recently, “IWF came up with a memo, used by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, on how to support Brett Kavanaugh’s 2018 Supreme Court confirmation without alienating the #MeToo movement.”

What I found most disturbing, though, was the organization’s attempt to equate Communism with the Shoah:

“this grand holocaust that so many people didn’t know about, and America had been so good about educating about the Holocaust during World War II, of the Jews and others, but people didn’t understand that there was this similar holocaust…”

  • sinovictorchan
    1 year ago

    The fact is that the Nazi concentration camps and death camps were originally the slave camps and deathc camps in North America called “Indian Residential Schools” from the 1850s to 1998. The Western European diaspora Liberals are complaining about Communists “holocaust” without evidence, but they always negate or even support holocaust by Western European diaspora with the claim that the authoritarianism from colonialism “civilized” the colonized people in contrast to their democratic slogan.

    The Western European diaspora are downplaying or outright denying the rampart savagery and atrocities despite the continued appearance of more evidences of the war crimes. Stephan Harper did initiate the Truth and Reconciliation to confess that the fake schools were meant for the cultural genocide that they had never actual hide since the start of the genocide, but he used the confession to the relatively minor crime to hide the real purposes of the Indian Residential fake Schools and the more severe atrocities that they commited in secret and continued to censor like the child enslavement, unethical experimentations, mass murder, savage indoctrination, torture of happy children, and mass murder of children. The European immigrant goevrnment waste so much taxpayer money on the 150 years of savage indoctrination in the fake schools that the children and grandchildren of the survivors of the fake schools do not comprehend the concept of family love and they think that they could only gain happiness from the suffering of others.