• @sinovictorchan
    151 year ago

    The Western European emigrant governments also commit the largest systamtic enslavement and genocide against the First Nation Indigenous people of North America for 150 years in Indian Residential fake Schools, steal the Indigenous children’s inheritance from their First Nation parent landowners through fraudulent documents, replace some murdered half-European Metis children with European children for inheritance thief by impersonation, inspired the Nazi German death camps with the rampart savagery in the Indian Residential fake Schools, continued the fake school savagery despite their criticism towards the Nazi and Communists for the same atrocities, and refuse to end the fake school enslavement even after the end of the Cold War with the Communist countries. The white supremacist governments are now forcing the fake school survivors into concentration camps where the European immigrants are dumping toxic waste and poisonous industrial chemicals as conditions for the First Nations to maintain their land ownership rights and reparation money for the fake school enslavement and murder.

    Now the racist European immigrants need to enslave non-European immigrants to continue their free riding lifestyle. The free riding over the North American Indigenous landowners has led to a generation of lazy spoiled fat white kids who complained that non-European immigrants get more better job opportunities. The spoiled white kids have the unfair advantage of white privilege, but the special status cannot compensate for their laziness and failure by choice.