It’s good to reflect sometimes.

I myself am feeling a bit dull lately. I’m working so hard at both my place of work and for the party that I forget that life has more to offer than communist propaganda spreading lol. I need to go out and touch grass more often. Today, for example, started at 6 and ended at 23 after cleaning, working, cooking and having a meeting with the party. Currently decompressing with wine and Harry Styles.

How about you guys?

  • @redtea
    91 year ago

    Good luck comrade salad!

    I’ll just leave a brief comment, too: I have had several of these tipping points in my life, where it seems that if they don’t go right, it’ll all fall apart. Some went well, most didn’t. Things still worked out all right. It still hurts sometimes knowing what I missed, but as you say, that’s life under capitalism. The plan B is the fact that you got yourself here once so you know you can do it again. I hope things go well for you, not just next week but in general. If they don’t go to plan next week, take as much time as you can to rest and recover. You deserve it, and something else will come up. If it doesn’t go to plan, know that it’s not you, it’s capitalism. But you don’t have to worry about this rn, because next week will go as planned 😁