Also Liu Shaoqi apparently

Maoists have some of the worst takes imaginable

  • @Binkie55
    81 year ago
    Nasser the famous bourgeois revolutionary

    • @fruityloop
      81 year ago

      For all his faults (like persecuting communists), he was the best president we had to this day, and the living standards for people back then was much better than now (not including the war periods). everyone else since then has been their own flavor of shit.

      • @DrSankara
        31 year ago

        Do you know much about the hepatitis c epidemic and its connection to mass antischistosomal treatment?

        Sorry to just dump this question on you, but I can only find information from a medical and public health perspective online. I’ve only searched the English language Internet.

        I’m just really curious about the politics behind this

        • @fruityloop
          11 year ago

          I don’t know much about this topic, but I’ll try my best. I’ll reply to you again when I find something relevant.

          • @DrSankara
            11 year ago

            Thank you very much for getting back to me. I appreciate it.

            • @fruityloop
              211 months ago

              hey i’m sorry i kinda forgot about this. i did look it up and found some articles and studies about this. i’ll send them to you when i find them again.