I know someone who is obsessed with it and astrology and spent half an hour trying to explain me and my siblings that it’s legit while roasting our mess of a setup and home decorations(''having a painting of aggressive animals, horror decorations, figures, weapon replicas, pictures of our own late ancestors, too many stuff there and too many stuff here is not good actually etc) and that since we love China we should try it but yeah there is absolutely no way we’re moving anything lmao. We have and are used to this interior since 2014 and in no way we’re changing and we’re the kind of people where everything has to be in it’s place where we put it and no changing whatsoever but they can’t fathom that.

So what are your thoughts on it in general and what is CPC’s stance on it?

  • SadArtemis
    4 months ago

    Feng Shui is nonsense, but I do appreciate its cultural contributions to architecture, whether it be the Forbidden City or HK skyline.

    Personally, while I understand it’s superstition (and also am not generally inclined to such things in the first place) I do have some inherent fondness for the concept being ethnic Chinese, having always strongly identified with being so, and thus having a degree of inherent fondness for anything Chinese- even if I don’t know, and wouldn’t really bother to know the most about it (Feng Shui) specifically myself. It seems relatively harmless enough to me anyways.