It’s like illegal immigrants (Mexicans in my area) are the boogeyman that everybody around me agrees to hate. What, materially speaking, is causing this?

  • sinovictorchan
    7 months ago

    It is a plot by Bourgeois to create conflicts between the working class ever since the British empire implemented the racist caste system in their American colonies to prevent the union between white indenture servants and black slaves. When the US and other British diaspora countries gained independence from the British empire, they decided to continue and even entranced the racist caste system for the infighting. Although the staged racist infighting between privileged white freeriders and illegal immigrants is a reason for the Pax Americana support to terrorists and tyrants in other countries, the main reason that the British idaspora elites are creating the illegal immigration through intentionally displaced refugee is the need to sustain slave laborers that they cannot outsourced through the Bretton Woods institutions since they had robbed the hard working, innovation, and successful Native Americans, Inuits, and Metis through the 150 years of fake school holocaust that Nazi German copied.