Earlier this evening, 23 year old resistance fighter Moataz al-Khawaja from the Occupied West Bank city of Ramallah carried out a shooting operation on Dizengoff street in the heart of maximum security Tel Aviv.

The resistance operation left at least 5 settlers wounded, one of whom is said to be in critical condition.

He was martyred on the scene by an off-duty lsraeli officer.

    • mean arab terroristOPM
      21 year ago

      regardless of what some Palestinian resistance groups may do, I will always unconditionally support the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination

      Palestinian armed struggle is self-determination. The Popular resistance is the vanguard of Palestinian liberation. I guess your support isn’t “unconditional” then. What does “support” even mean anyways? Keep your useless feel-good liberal “support”.

      When I ask questions on this forum I do so out of genuine good intent

      Don’t gaslight me. If you had good intent you’d actually listen and read even one of the many citations I posted.

      nobody chooses where they are born or who they are born to

      You don’t seem to get it but instead are playing the victim. I am so very sick of Jewish ‘Israeli’ Occupiers doing this bullshit: playing the victim all the time.

      You didn’t choose to be born as a settler but you are choosing to oppose the self-determination of Palestinians by choosing to stay. You should expedite your leave from Palestine. Soon the zionist entity’s cities and neighborhoods will burn as ‘israel’ is purged from the land. Your genocidal neighbors and ‘countrymen’ will be purged with it.

      There are no such thing as ‘israeli civilians’. As long as a settler is in Palestine they are a legitimate target. If they don’t want to die then they should leave Palestine. I will not be explaining this further as it seems we must be speaking a different language that you cannot even acknowledge the first thing I told you weeks ago: If you want to do something politically useful then get the fuck out of Palestine.

    • @Aria
      -11 year ago

      I’m not informed enough to know how Moataz chose his targets, but I have to imagine it’s just a case of practicality. Civilians don’t shoot back. If there was like a trolley problem -like scenario where he could choose to go after 5 soldiers or 10 civilians, he probably would’ve went for the 5 soldiers. But these 5 civilians were easier targets. People who are clearly identifiable as soldiers and police are in groups and they’d probably shoot you dead before you can start firing.

      People don’t choose where to be born. I absolutely sympathise with Israeli who don’t enjoy the current situation. But at the same time, they’re still serving the current system. They know what’s happening and aren’t fighting it. They share their productivity and wealth with the occupying garrison and they use their privilege to take from the Palestinians.

      Everyone who isn’t actively resisting has some culpability. If you set the requirement too high to be a valid target, then you’ll have fewer successful operations.

      I personally can’t support aiming for civilians, but I don’t know nearly enough to where my opinion should hold any weight at all. This person weighed the options and decided they were doing the most good targetting civilians. And as we see from the article, someone undeniably part of the oppressor (off-duty officer) happened to be there at the time, lending credence to the distinction being small.