It’s a relatively obscure, old game that I’d say is essentially Atomic Heart before the actual Atomic Heart showed up; due to the game taking place in the USSR (Stalin’s USSR no less!) where the USSR supposedly made a psychic antenna to turn everyone in the USSR into supermen to ensure a global victory of Communism (this part feels Trotskyist, not something Stalin would do); and of course, the experiment goes wrong because of course it does; and everyone’s now either dead or a silent hill-esque monster.

Every East European (especially Russians) here would know what I’m talking about, as the game was mostly popular in those areas.

EDIT: In case anyone’s wondering, no I have not played it. But I will say that I’ve heard this was going to get a remake, wonder what happened to it

  • @Shrike502
    41 year ago

    Don’t confuse Victory imagery with relationship with USSR. Even many libs don’t disagree that Nazis were terrible and needed to be removed. Also don’t confuse the view from back then, when USSR was fresh on people’s minds, with the now. It’s been thirty years. Thirty years of non-stop propaganda. And yes, even back then it was popular. All those Samizdat papers, all those radio lovers listening to RFE, all those scathing jokes told in kitchens.