I plan on spearheading an underground revolutionary propaganda campaign when I turn 24 (I’m 16 as of writing) so I need a bit of advice regarding how they work.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    1 year ago

    I’m not discouraging you, but I feel like this is a lot bigger of a project than it may seem like. First off, I’m in my 20s and things don’t exactly “unlock” during your 20s, organizing doesn’t become easier. Underground is also tough because it’s tougher to communicate with other like-minded lefties, which is essential to getting any movement off the ground. I’m no expert on this shit, but it seems like a huge campaign to be waging, you’d definitely need some more people, not only for communication but also for criticism. If one person runs a newspaper or publication or something, they can be too confident in their own position without applying self-crit. On top of that, sometimes you will self-crit and not critique the aspects that other people would criticize. Having a few comrades to be like “idk about that position, wouldn’t that devolve into xyz” or “this position is being bent and twisted in x way so we should clarify that we believe in y instead of x” or “this position we have actually is shared by x capitalist nation, let’s explain why they share this position and why we don’t agree with their analysis and why ours is based on DialMat” or even a basic “keep up the good work comrade”. Also, more of a curious question than a critique? Any particular reason for 24? Do you anticipate a large inheritance from family around then that would make this easier to fulfill or is it more of a maturity thing? Whatever the reason, keep patient and analyze the material conditions around you as they change