Mine personally has to be bad parking jobs. Like there’s literally no reason to park shittily, just take your time and correct it. I can’t imagine the number of times that I’ve tried to park at work and my spot I always go to is half blocked by some inane jackass who takes up 2 spots, and if it’s a truck?? They may just take up an entire 4 parking spots when they very well could have parked in 1. Lets say the parking lines are in a + sign, they park in the intersection of the lines, I hate truck drivers most of the time lol. Any other pet peeves

  • @redtea
    21 year ago

    This. Plus small cars with modified exhausts, or driven in low gear, and revving motor bikes. And the use of quad bikes in residential areas for no reason. And when these same redacted redacteds drive their vehicles on parks that strictly prohibit vehicles 🤨😡🤬 Where’s Liam Neeson from Taken when you need him?