Of course all political parties are disgusting in liberal democracies but there are some that just are insane.

In Mexico it has to be PAN, they’re your usual latin american conservative party. Elitists, very catholic, racists, malinchistas ( they hate mexico and its culture ). Right now they’re going insane because a former secretary of national security was declared guilty off collaborating with drug cartels in a US jury ( they idolize the US so this is funny af )

  • @frippa@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    That would be FdI, you have probably heard of it, they won the election in September and they’re ruling with a coalition of other rightists, their party is directly linked to the national fascist party that ruled Italy from 1922 to 1945, hierarchs from the regime founded the MSI (not the graphics card guys), the MSI (it stands for movimento sociale italiano, italian social movement, a direct reference to the “Italian social Republic”) then became the AN (national alliance) and then became FdI, so we are ruled by a party that is directly linked to the dictatorship that invented the word fascism, and people are pretending its fine because “at least we have a woman president” overall, they deserve the same treatment that their grandfathers received from the yugoslav partisans.

    • @RedSquid
      1 year ago

      A woman fascist though! It’s progressive and woke because she’s got a vagina.