I have a NAS set up in my house with Open Media Vault installed. Is there a guide to getting set up torrenting? I just don’t want to get into any trouble. I’ve never torrented before. Anybody have a guide or advice on how to start?

  • seahorse [Ohio]OP
    51 year ago

    Thanks! Do you use Sonarr or Radarr? I’ve heard of those for organizing/scheduling torrents.

    • loathesome dongeater
      51 year ago

      Those are for automatically downloading TV episodes or movies (respectively) as they release and become available. If that sounds interesting to you, you can give them a go.

    • DessalinesM
      41 year ago

      No probs. I personally don’t. Its mainly for shows and movies that aren’t released yet, and it can schedule automatic downloads for them. I usually just download whole seasons, or movies as they get released.

      If its something new that I really want to watch, I might put a reminder for when it gets released to streaming / dvd, and its usually up on torrents that day.