Discussion questions:

What new books are you reading?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Question of the week:

Be honest: do you get your books from Amazon or directly from the publishers? If you do a bit of both, how often for each?


(I do this so people here can talk about things other than politics so enjoy yourselves.)

  • QueerCommie
    41 year ago

    I recently finished V for vendetta (decent, a bit too anarchist) and the Hunger games (for school). I’m currently reading Anti-Duhring by Engels, which is great, the Fault In Our Stars, which is meh and for school, and I’m reading To Kill A Nation by Parenti which is really interesting, it’s crazy all the parallels to the Russo-Ukraine war going on now, and how the vast majority of people here probably haven’t even heard of the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia. On the weekly question, most of my books were gifts so idk, but I try to check thrift books or Barnes and nobles before I buy from Amazon. I do have some Amazon gift cards that I’ll probably buy books with though. I haven’t bought anything from publisher websites, but I have my eye on some stuff from ‘Peace, Land, Bread’, midwestern marx, and new outlook publishers.