Recent vid covering Hollywood’s unwavering support for war propaganda.

  • relay
    8 months ago

    I was laughing at the utter incompetence mixed with smugness that the marines had towards doing a mission that the seals trained in covert ops would have been better at doing. This mission that failed more due to being a covert operation that immediately alerted their enemies by being to lazy to learn how to traverse land without a helicopter. Its ridiculous that this ill conceived failure of a mission was used to justify war crimes. This also completely forgets that all all politics is a popularity contest on how to run a society. Killing other popular people that think differently works a little but killing people neutral in the conflict really just makes you more unpopular. This is the fucking reason that the US can’t win wars. These debacles are disgusting meat grinders used to fleece the US public to sell millitary contracts.

    • GreatSquareOP
      8 months ago

      This is the fucking reason that the US can’t win wars.

      US never really defined what would be a “win” in Afghanistan.

      • They kill Bin Laden and still don’t pull out.
      • Taliban numbers go up the longer they stay to “stabilise” the country that they destabilized.
      • Eventually retreat so fast that half their shit gets left behind.
      • Spend a trillion or so dollars and keep under 10 billion in Afghanistan reserves as a way to say “gotcha”!

      But at least cheap Afghan opium trade got restarted!