• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    113 years ago

    this isn’t surprising in the least. Like, only someone who’s been entirely blind to the reality of the DSA in the past 4 years would be surprised by this. But, also, anyone who sides with the DSA would likely also agree with AOC.

    Social Democrats aren’t leftists, they’re pro-capitalists who think people deserve rights. If I had to share an hour with either a SocDem or an Anarchist, I’d choose the Anarchist, because at least we’d agree on some things.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      103 years ago

      Seriously, anyone who supports AOC or the DSA wing of the Democratic Party is either greatly misinformed about their dealings and opportunism, or purposefully ignoring how terrible the party is out of spite for the ‘true left’.

      During the 2020 BLM protests, AOC made various tweets trying to control black rage. She tried to tell protesters how and when to use their rage, telling black people to ‘save it for the polls’. She begged and pleaded with protesters in D.C. to go home. That alone should prove to anyone on the fence about her that she doesn’t give a fuck about justice or rights, she just wants the power and fame of office. The entire DSA wing of the Democratic Party is filled with people just like her, they abuse leftist language to attract voters, then push hardline neoliberal positions. And now that they don’t have President Trump to push against, they’ve entirely dropped the “revolution” and “fight the establishment” talking points, instead instructing their supporters to blindly trust Biden - as well to defend Biden against political musing.

      I honestly believe that if things went differently, figures like AOC - and perhaps even Bernie - would be seen as ‘American Trotsky’s’. They’re just opportunists who will quickly swing their positions around to maximize their opportunity, but will never actually use any of that opportunity to improve the lives of their supporters. If there was a real revolution of the proletariat in the US, these Social Democrats would flee to Canada and start writing counter-revolutionary bullshit about how the communists stole their cows, and whatnot.

      • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
        43 years ago

        I agree with you but I think you’re going a bit far when you say they don’t work to improve the lives of others. Bernie and AOC just believe that it can be done in a non confrontational way with neoliberals. Then they get lulled into a state of complacency because of their high salaries and bureaucratic complacency.