Hi everyone, we’ve added 2 new rules to the sidebar that apply to the entire instance:

Rule 4 - No porn or sexually explicit content, even if marked NSFW.

This was a de facto rule of the instance that we followed and so it only made sense to put it in the sidebar.

We’ll leave it up to your judgment to decide what is sexually explicit or not, but obviously we don’t want to host porn here or anything of that nature; it wouldn’t be very ML of us.

Rule 5 - no right deviationists.

We had to decide between “reactionary socialists” or “right deviationists” and one had to be picked anyway so here it is.

Of course the meaning remains the same: no patsocs. No MAGA communists, no nazbols, no Strasserists, no Duginists. They are not unique to the US despite being the most vocal, so anything of that nature will lead to a swift permanent ban.

Again this was already the instance’s stance (some of us will remember the struggle session), just now formalised in the rules.