He left prolewiki of his own accord. He told us he disagreed with where we were taking the project (that he joined for 5 months, far after we started it), and logged out by himself. We said okay, that’s your choice.

Then his messianic tendencies overtook him and he came back to prolewiki with a lengthy petition to make him into an admin, give him auditor positions so he could double-check our editor applications. Just a whole list of things that we had no reason to grant him.

At this point he got into a huge debate with forte and afterwards was banned because, once again, he would not budge on anything. We owed him everything he asked for, on the basis that he was an anti-revisionist. He even came back exactly 3 days later, I shit you not, like some kind of Jesus.

Somehow he deluded himself into thinking that prolewiki is a catch-all marxist encyclopedia and should be run as such. But it was never – I was there from the start, I should know.

But the thing is.

If he had made his own wiki, his own Hoxhaist wiki with his own rules and ran it however he wanted after he had left?

We would probably have helped him and kept in contact.

I think he doesn’t have the technical skills to do this kind of thing. But he can ask people on discord to set this up with him. And then he can run it however he wants. He could have even asked prolewiki for help. He’s been harassing us since November, imagine if in that time instead of trying to make alts that we catch in seconds and make twitter threads and a HUGE article on leftypedia or rationalwiki to smear our name, he could have even taught himself how to get a mediawiki website running.

But instead he decided to burn all bridges and then, when we didn’t magically forgive him (messiah complex strikes again), he started harassing prolewiki and lemmygrad – nonstop since November.

He seems to think ProleWiki reaches millions of users. We register 150-250 visits a day and have 2k followers on twitter. Not bad? Yes, but remember there are communist content creators that drive much more traffic (Lady Izdihar for example has 20k followers on twitter).

Instead of focusing his efforts on trying to infiltrate and bring down a wiki that barely gets noticed, he could be building his own. This is clearly unhealthy obsessive behaviour.

Anyway, tell me if I’m posting too much about him and you’d rather see less content like this. There’s a lot of contact going on with him these days and he says really funny stuff (totally seriously too). I know he also obsessively checks on Lemmygrad and Prolewiki so, hi wisconcom! Please open your own wiki!

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    111 year ago

    I wasn’t here for this split but from what I’ve read in the Prolwiki article, testimony from the People’s Court case (a case, multiple exist?) and some of the interactions from his second account; it seems Hoxhaists have been banned for not being able to play well with others and attacking the rest of the left for not conforming to their understanding of history - being vapidly dogmatic.

    Wisconcom’s actions also reminds me a bit of Trotskys, except he never helped us win a civil war, he only helped produce content on Prolewiki. He disagreed with the community, eventually became belligerent, and was exiled where he promptly cared more about attacking those who outcasted him than his initial message. Really makes you think 🤔

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      111 year ago

      Trotsky would have been insufferable if the internet existed in his time. He would make twitter threads after twitter threads tagging the CPSU every time lol

      To clarify something though, hoxhaists are not all blanket-banned, neither on lemmygrad or prolewiki. On prolewiki we only ever banned two hoxhaists, wisconcom and another one like 2 months after the project was started.