Wer sich öfter mit Corona infiziert, läuft offenbar Gefahr, an einer unheilbaren Immunschwäche zu erkranken. Darauf deuten laut Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach verschiedene Untersuchungen hin, die derzeit weiter erforscht werden. In der Folge würde das Risiko für chronische Krankheiten wie Demenz steigen.
This is great hate-reading. I’m recovering from my second Covid infection. I had “medium” covid last time and it feels similar this time. I’m not even 30 and it looks like I’ve got a life of serious health risks ahead of me. The government doesn’t give a fuck anymore, if they ever did beyond making sure the workforce could work, they’ve entirely switched over to sucking off industry and the Americans over the energy and Russia issues. Covid is over, Lauterbach (even as a health academic himself) was powerless to stop the train of “personal responsibility,” there are no restrictions of note left in Germany. Official policy can be summed up with “please wear a mask if you’re sick,” and the the mass line is “well it wasn’t nice while it lasted but fun’s over, now back to work everyone.”
This is great hate-reading. I’m recovering from my second Covid infection. I had “medium” covid last time and it feels similar this time. I’m not even 30 and it looks like I’ve got a life of serious health risks ahead of me. The government doesn’t give a fuck anymore, if they ever did beyond making sure the workforce could work, they’ve entirely switched over to sucking off industry and the Americans over the energy and Russia issues. Covid is over, Lauterbach (even as a health academic himself) was powerless to stop the train of “personal responsibility,” there are no restrictions of note left in Germany. Official policy can be summed up with “please wear a mask if you’re sick,” and the the mass line is “well it wasn’t nice while it lasted but fun’s over, now back to work everyone.”