What is this hexbear rule? We are becoming the strawman fascists are making of us Edit: furthermore I think this does not help federation at all, I think we should follow the same principle that is used in extradition: it must be illegal in both states in order for the person to be extradite, or it needs to be illegal on both platforms to be removed, but again, that might lead to problems if a community deems racist jokes, for example, not illegal so we can’t do much about it, it’s an headache. Edit 2: i think I could be misunderstood easily, Im not attacking the platform, just saying that that’s a generally stupid rule.

  • DankZedong A
    181 year ago

    Look, I’m not naive enough to think we can all go vegan on a while and I’m aware of things like native people using meat as ways to survive their sometimes harsh environments. But some comrades just get rabies the minute the word vegan is mentioned and start saying stuff like BOURGEOISIE BULLSHIT, completely ignoring different lifestyles and even non Western cultures all over the world. It just doesn’t help with the very serious discussion you can have regarding veganism and marxism.