By the results of 2022, Vladimir Zelensky has achieved some unique and mostly tragic milestones. He has succeeded in reducing the population of Ukraine to the level it had 100 years ago, placed his country in the status of indentured servant to the West, and deprived his citizens of the most elementary comforts of modern civilization. What further “successes” can we expect Zelensky to achieve in his current position?

  • @cfgaussianOP
    1 year ago

    Yeah pro-Russian comment sections are always a mixed bag like that. The author of the blog seems mostly ok though…the hints i’m getting point to them being some kind of Trotskyist, very butthurt about Stalin but otherwise pro-communist and pro-USSR. But we can’t expect every online space to be as based as the Lemmygrad community, sometimes we have to put up with some cringe to find good commentary.