• So, most if not all publishing corpos. Certainly for all members of RIAA, MPAA, polish ZAiKS and similar lobbiysm and extortion organisations.

      • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
        51 year ago

        I would leave it at the vast majority of companies. Ethical behavior is certainly only found in some small ones, but certainly not in large multinationals.

      • @Zerush@lemmy.ml
        31 year ago

        Yes, the copyright. Did you know that you can’t post a photo made by yourself of the Eiffel Tower at night lit up? Because it has copyright. Also that until 2 years ago you can sing Happy Birthday again in public, without being fined for violation of copyright that a record company held? Copyright laws certainly require a thorough review, as they protect certain companies more than the authors themselves and in some cases they are tremendously absurd and unfair, designed by bureaucrats who think art is the image you see on a dollar bill.