For me it’s cities. I’m absolutely fascinated by how cities work. Every street, building, alleyway, park, shop, bar etc. tells a story of how life happened there. Every single thing in the city contributes to its functioning.

I can spend hours just scrolling on Google Maps, zooming in on cities like New York, London, Tokyo, Beijing, the city I live in, you name it. Dropping myself in the street view function and just strolling around everything. I also oftentimes have Google Maps open on my second screen at work, because I find it calming in a way.

I think this all started with Star Wars and Coruscant. As a kid I was hooked the moment I saw a CITY the size of a freaking PLANET! I find there’s something comforting in knowing that everywhere around you, something is happening and you are all part of this megastructure, making it function. I don’t know how I never ended up as a city planner or something.

  • Absolute
    61 year ago

    I totally agree with you on cities, everything about them is fascinating. Their demographic makeup, architecture, layout, trying to learn how things got to be the way they are there. One of my top activities when I’m trying to relax is to get stoned and piss around on google maps/wikipedia, reading about and looking at cities and countries. I especially love looking at skylines and how they’ve changed or are projected to change.

    • DankZedong OPA
      41 year ago

      Good to know there are others of us. I believe some Google Maps areas got an update lately and they are now more detailed. I was excited to see that lol.