Was just thinking about how in-depth many of the conversations are here, often about things I haven’t given much thought to personally. Then I got to thinking about how difficult it must have been 100 years ago to find like-minded communists to have these vital, illuminating discussions with. What would I have done? Gone to book stores and creeped around any of the areas with even the most mild revolutionary theories available, and confront anyone glancing at Marxist literature, hoping beyond hope that they weren’t secretly a fed hoping I’d do just that?

The internet can be a tool of weaponized alienation, abstracting us from our communities and preventing us from as effectively reaching out to others. It can also be wonderful, facilitating the most important discussions of the time and allowing comrades otherwise surrounded by fascists a safer place to learn, grow, and share.

There is certainly something to be said about left-wingers and revolutionaries substituting actual political engagement with futile online interaction. Regardless, the reification of correct ideas a site like lemmygrad offers many of us feels quite important. It can allow for the creation of more knowledgeable and better prepared organizers. Interaction here surely has helped beat whatever residual liberalism I feel was left in me.

  • SovereignStateOP
    201 year ago

    Once again we should strive to remember not to replace in-person organizing and revolutionary activity with mere posting online, but there is some solace to be found in knowing that we are consistently building upon each others’ knowledge and helping one another become better communists, especially the baby leftists who find their way here.