Recommend me a free and open source PDF reader for Android (that respects privacy).

    13 years ago

    Ok, I found the search function now. I don’t know how I missed it. But still printing and copying would be nice features for a PDF viewer.

    For tge second app disabling that option helped but it is quite slow and unstable compared to others and it seems like it doesn’t support encrption. But it’s still my favorite ebook reader.

      13 years ago

      Yes, the second app may have some issues. For copying you have this at least.

      Don’t worry for the first case, it is a bit hidden and some people miss it because of that and the old-style monotheme icons.

      To be exact, I never tested encrypted PDF files in any of these apps so I cannot recommend you any specific for it.

      I will look for printing in these days to see which one support it or report it you here if it happens that you find it first. This could be interesting for other people.