I just wanted some context about a dumb vid of a girl yelling and pretending she had burned her tongue. I sure found an answer from a real user…

"I think it is critical to understand that China is making large impact policies to try to change the makeup of society in concerning ways.

Imagery of feminine men in media are banned:

China’s broadcasting regulator has said it will ban “effeminate” aesthetics in entertainment shows and that “vulgar influencers” should be avoided. It’s part of a tightening of rules over what it described as “unhealthy content” in programmes.

We are all aware of social credit.

Poisoned investment in Africa

Foreign illegal police outposts in other countriesIllegal foreign police outposts acting in other countries.

Safeguard Defenders, a Spain-based rights group, said it found more than 100 of the police contact points in over 50 countries

Uyghur genocide.

We watched Hong Kong become infested with aggressively pro-CCP politicians. And then they went in by force.

The list goes on, and on, and on.

They are an authoritarian regime that are not our friend and do not try to create a social environment amongst the culture of the people that is accepting of other nations and peoples.

Yes, of course the whole populace will not fall for this, but enough of these actions are having an effect to create a militaristic and authoritarian nation with imperialist tendencies.

If this is targeted or not? I believe probably. The Internet is legally new, paying for algorithms and platforms to manipulate human psychology is cheap, and for now, seemingly legal, and the damage is monumental.

And the really most banal shit and its millions of views. There is only one possible audience. Young children. No sane adult has the mental fortitude or twistedness to watch 10+ parts of this complete brain-rot. This, all the Elsa YT stuff, can only be consumed by very young children, and therefore, is targeted at them, intentionally. Young children’s minds are most pliable to survive in their given environment. It’s I’m our societal and survival DNA. Children grew up and lived with wolves, so they can be turned to mush by this shit.

It just makes you sad that we had this miracle, to be born on this chunk of rock spinning in space. And we weren’t born as any number of insects, or other animals that make up this world. We came into being as the masters and custodians of this planet, and all we can seek to do is amass the biggest pile of invented currency or pride to feel like we had accomplished something with our lives, rather than try to simply work together to save our dying planet.

It just makes you sad."

  • Soviet Pigeon
    9 months ago

    Regarding the effeminate men topic: I tried to search for the source, but it is not easy. Most sources are simply copies of an AP article. Source for this is this site (Good job, just put the FQDN as the source…) but I dont speak chinese. Maybe someone can explain this topic

    • cfgaussian
      9 months ago

      That part i honestly wouldn’t even bother with, it is so irrelevant and so dumb a talking point that it is not worth debating. I’m sure if someone cared to they could do (and probably have done) a deep dive into this and show exactly how the western media are yet again misrepresenting what China is actually doing and why.

      I just find it tedious to see that the rest of the points that follow are just the usual playlist of the “biggest hits” of anti-China cliches:

      Social credit scores, Africa debt traps, secret Chinese police stations (this one at least is somewhat new, even if on Havana Syndrome levels of comical absurdity), Uyghurs, Hong Kong, “authoritarianism”, brainwashed population…

      And then they go into this diatribe of how internet media is targeted at and influences children, which ok that’s a fair point and a valid concern i suppose but wtf does it have to do with all of this anti-China nonsense they were spouting before?

      I also found this sentence they added in there quite funny in a conceited sort of way:

      We came into being as the masters and custodians of this planet

      Don’t know why but that just made me chuckle.

      • Soviet Pigeon
        9 months ago

        I do not disagree with you, but I can’t ignore this topic only because it’s evident that other claims are bullshit. Maybe someone who can speak Chinese knows more about this. There is even probably no need to deep dive.